10AM vs. 11AM Check Out?

As the owner or manager of a short-term rental property, deciding on the check-out time for your guests can be a difficult decision. Two popular options are 10am and 11am, and each has its pros and cons. In this article, we will explore the benefits and drawbacks of each, as well as the advantages for a cleaning company like BroomsMen to arrive at 10am.

Check-out Time: 10am


  1. Early check-out times allow for a quicker turnaround. If your guests check-out at 10am, your cleaning crew can begin cleaning right away, giving them more time to complete their tasks before the next guests arrive.

  2. Early check-out times may also discourage guests from overstaying their welcome. If guests know they must leave by 10am, they are less likely to linger and disrupt the cleaning process or delay the arrival of the next guests.

  3. If you have a larger property or multiple units to clean, starting earlier can give your cleaning crew more time to complete their tasks before the end of the day, which can be beneficial in terms of scheduling and workload management.


  1. Guests may feel rushed if they need to leave by 10am, which can lead to a negative experience and potentially negative reviews.

  2. Some guests may be late checking out, which can delay the cleaning crew's start time.

  3. If your property is in a popular tourist destination, your guests may want to spend as much time as possible exploring the area, which could lead to frustration if they must check out early.

Check-out Time: 11am


  1. A later check-out time can be more convenient for guests who want to sleep in or take their time packing up and leaving the property.

  2. Guests may feel less rushed and more relaxed during their stay, leading to a more positive experience and potentially positive reviews.

  3. A later check-out time may be more appealing to guests who are traveling with children or have other scheduling constraints.


  1. A later check-out time can delay the cleaning crew's start time, which could result in a shorter turnaround time between guests.

  2. If guests are allowed to stay later, they may be more likely to overstay their welcome, which could disrupt the cleaning process or delay the arrival of the next guests.

  3. A later check-out time may not be feasible if your property is in a popular tourist destination with high demand and a need for a quick turnaround.

Benefits For A Cleaning Company:

Having a shorter turnaround time between guests can be beneficial for a cleaning company like BroomsMen. By starting at 10am, our team can get a head start on cleaning and have the property ready before the next guests arrive. This can help to ensure that the property is in top condition and that guests have a positive experience. Additionally, starting earlier can help us manage our workload more efficiently and ensure that we can accommodate all of our clients' needs.

In conclusion, the check-out time for your short-term rental property is an important decision that can have both pros and cons. While a 10am check-out time may allow for a quicker turnaround and better workload management for cleaning companies like BroomsMen, it may not be the best fit for all properties or guest preferences. Ultimately, it's important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages and choose the option that works best for your property and your guests.

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